Red color (R):
Green color (G):
Blue color (B):


RGB to HEX conversion is a common process in web design and graphics software. RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue, which are the three primary colors used to create a wide range of colors in digital displays. HEX, on the other hand, is a six-digit hexadecimal code used to specify colors in HTML, CSS, and other design software. The conversion involves converting the decimal values of red, green, and blue colors to their corresponding two-digit hexadecimal values, and then concatenating them in the order of red, green, and blue. The "#" symbol is added at the beginning of the six-digit string to form the final HEX color code.


To convert an RGB color value to a HEX color code, you can follow these steps:

  1. Convert the RGB values to their hexadecimal equivalents.
  2. Concatenate the three hexadecimal values (in the order of red, green, blue) to form a six-digit string.
  3. Add a "#" symbol to the beginning of the six-digit string.

For example, suppose we want to convert the RGB color value (255, 165, 0) to a HEX color code. Here are the steps we would follow:

  1. Convert the RGB values to hexadecimal:

    • Red: 255 in decimal is FF in hexadecimal.
    • Green: 165 in decimal is A5 in hexadecimal.
    • Blue: 0 in decimal is 00 in hexadecimal.
  2. Concatenate the three hexadecimal values in the order of RGB:

    • The concatenated value is "FFA500".
  3. Add a "#" symbol to the beginning of the concatenated value:

    • The final HEX color code is "#FFA500".

Therefore, the HEX color code for the RGB color value (255, 165, 0) is #FFA500.

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